Program_Mobile Tea House | Location_Kyoto, Japan, Hong Kong | Year_2016.5 | Structure_Washi Paper Masonry | Organizer_Nada Art Gallery | Collaboration_Akinori Inuzuka Design | Photo_Takuya Watanabe | Design Team_Ayaka Fujii
500ミリx1000ミリの和紙を8折して作った折り紙のピースを、接着剤等を一切使わず互いに差し込みながらつみ上げていく。ここでは空間を支える柱・梁などの骨組みは一切なく、 単一エレメントの集合体として、紙をただひたすら反復することで空間をつくっている。紙のつみ方は自由で無限に開かれており、最終的な形態やサイズは空間の用途によって自由に変えることができ、またシンプルな結合システムのため、容易に設置・解体が可能である。
Shi-An is a movable tea house made out of Japanese “Washi” paper temporary constructed at the Daidokoro in Nijo-Jo Castle National Heritage Site, Kyoto Japan.
By using an Origami methodology, 500mm x 1000mm paper is folded 8 times to form a unit with 2 pockets and 2 arms which allow units to be assembled without any glues, but just simply sticking in. This simple connection detail enables the pavilion to construct and dismount quickly and easily.
This structure is not composed of ordinary elements, such as columns, beams, etc… but 4000 units of origami paper masonry dome structure spanning to accommodate space with in.
The nomadic small tea house embodies the idea of Japanese simplified beauties, also at the same time, the cellular body of the structure reminds living creatures with warmth and softness as if it is in the womb.
Program | Mobile Tea House |
Location | Kyoto, Japan Hong Kong |
Year | 2016.5 |
Structure | Washi Paper Masonry |
Organizer | Nada Art Gallery |
Collaboration | Akinori Inuzuka Design |
Photo | Takuya Watanabe |
Design Team | Ayaka Fujii |
500ミリx1000ミリの和紙を8折して作った折り紙のピースを、接着剤等を一切使わず互いに差し込みながらつみ上げていく。ここでは空間を支える柱・梁などの骨組みは一切なく、 単一エレメントの集合体として、紙をただひたすら反復することで空間をつくっている。紙のつみ方は自由で無限に開かれており、最終的な形態やサイズは空間の用途によって自由に変えることができ、またシンプルな結合システムのため、容易に設置・解体が可能である。
Shi-An is a movable tea house made out of Japanese “Washi” paper temporary constructed at the Daidokoro in Nijo-Jo Castle National Heritage Site, Kyoto Japan.
By using an Origami methodology, 500mm x 1000mm paper is folded 8 times to form a unit with 2 pockets and 2 arms which allow units to be assembled without any glues, but just simply sticking in. This simple connection detail enables the pavilion to construct and dismount quickly and easily.
This structure is not composed of ordinary elements, such as columns, beams, etc… but 4000 units of origami paper masonry dome structure spanning to accommodate space with in.
The nomadic small tea house embodies the idea of Japanese simplified beauties, also at the same time, the cellular body of the structure reminds living creatures with warmth and softness as if it is in the womb.