Program_Community Center + Fire House | Location_Arlfeld, Germany | Year_2015.6 | Area_1,248 sqm | Prize_2nd Prize | Design Team_Studio 3A
また冬季雪深い地方において、地元産の杉を用いたHolz Gürtelroseと呼ばれる板葺きの切妻屋根とし、村の風景と一体となる、環境と調和した建築のあり方を模索した。
The Community Center is proposed in a small village called Arlfeld at mountain side of Mid-West Germany. The site used to be a shoe making factory which was one of a main industry of the village. Programs require a community center where people can gather and use daily basis as well as a fire house for voluntary folks.
We proposed to place twin volumes containing each function in a way to create a plaza between existing factory structures. The buildings put a wooden gabled roof on called “Holz Gürtelrose” which can be seen in deep-snow district in order to seek a harmony to environment and peripheral scenery.
The twins and its plaza set a living room for people to revitalize the community as the hert of the village.
Program | Community Center Fire House |
Location | Arlfeld, Germany |
Year | 2015.6 |
Area | 1,248 sqm |
Prize | 2nd Prize |
Design Team | Studio 3A |
また冬季雪深い地方において、地元産の杉を用いたHolz Gürtelroseと呼ばれる板葺きの切妻屋根とし、村の風景と一体となる、環境と調和した建築のあり方を模索した。
The Community Center is proposed in a small village called Arlfeld at mountain side of Mid-West Germany. The site used to be a shoe making factory which was one of a main industry of the village. Programs require a community center where people can gather and use daily basis as well as a fire house for voluntary folks.
We proposed to place twin volumes containing each function in a way to create a plaza between existing factory structures. The buildings put a wooden gabled roof on called “Holz Gürtelrose” which can be seen in deep-snow district in order to seek a harmony to environment and peripheral scenery.
The twins and its plaza set a living room for people to revitalize the community as the hert of the village.