1981 年長野県生まれ。2004 年工学院大学建築学科卒業。 2007 年イリノイ工科大学修士課程修了後、メキシコにてLopez_Katagiri ARCHITETS 共同設立。日本帰国後、2010 年隈研吾建築都市設計事務所入社。2014 年よりKatagiri Architecture+Design 主宰。2017 年国際的な活動のプラットフォームとしてStudio 3A 共同企画。モンテレイ大学、工学院大学非常勤講師、東京大学学術支援専門職を歴任。
Kazuya Katagiri, born in 1981, graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology in 2007 and co-founded Lopez Katagiri ARCHITECTS (Mexico) in 2007 and founded Katagiri Architecture + Design (Tokyo) in 2014. He also served as a project architect at Kengo Kuma & Associates from 2010 to 2014. He taught design studio at Universidad de Monterrey, at Kogakuin University, and also worked as a program associate at Kengo Kuma Laboratory at The University of Tokyo.
片桐 和也 | Kazuya Katagiri
2022 – | Junkan LLP 共同設立 | Co-Founder, Junkan LLP |
2017- | Studio 3A (Japan/Mexico/Germany) 共同企画 | Co-Organizer, Studio 3A (Japan/Mexico/Germany) |
2015-20 | 東京大学建築学専攻 隈研吾研究室 学術専門支援職員 | Program Associate at The University of Tokyo Kengo Kuma Lab |
2014-20 | 工学院大学建築学部建築デザイン学科 非常勤講師 | Adjunct Instructor at Kogakuin University |
2014- | Katagiri Aarchitecture+Design 設立 | Founder, Katagiri Architecture+Design |
2010-14 | 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 勤務 | Worked at Kengo Kuma & Associates |
2009 | Universidad de Monterrey 非常勤講師 | Adjunct Instructor at University of Monterrey |
2007-10 | Lopez_Katagiri ARCHITECTS (Mexico) Luis Lopezと共同設立 | Founding Partner, Lopez_Katagiri ARCHITECTS (Mexico) |
2007 | イリノイ工科大学建築学部修士課程 修了 | Master of Architecture, Illionois Institute of Technology |
2004 | 工学院大学工学部建築学科 卒業 | Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Kogakuin University |
1981 | 長野県 生まれ | Born in Nagano |
Design Team
藤井彩加 | Ayaka Fujii | ||
渡辺顕人 | Kento Watanabe * | 塚野ブランドン雄大 | Yuta Brandon Tsukano * |
* Former Staff
2020 | Architectural Record誌 Record Interior 2020 | Architectural Record Record Interior 2020 |
Build Architecture Awards 2020 | Build Architecture Awards 2020 | |
日本空間デザイン賞 入選 [Venture Lab Silicon Valley] | Mention Kukan Design Award 2020 [Venture Lab Silicon Valley] | |
JID Award 2020 入選 [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] | Mention JID Award 2020 [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] | |
2019 | FX Awards 入選 [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] | Distinction FX Awards [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] |
AICA施工例コンテスト 特別賞 [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] | Special Mention AICA Awards [Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata] | |
Steinwache Dortmund Competition (Germany) 2等 | 2nd Prize Steinwache Dortmund Competition (Germany) | |
2017 | Wallpaper誌 Architects’ Directory 2017 | Wallpaper Architects’ Directory 2017 |
モンペリエ国際建築フェスティバル 最優秀賞 [Paper Cloud] | Prix du Jury FAV Montpellier Competition [Paper Cloud] | |
DSA日本空間デザイン賞 金賞 [Shi-An] | Gold Prize Japan Design Space Award [Shi-An] | |
JID Award 2017 インテリアプロダクト部門賞 [Shi-An] | Interior Product Award JIA Award 2017 [Shi-An] | |
JID Award 2017 インテリアプロダクト部門賞 [Trus(s)tool Wall] | Interior Product Award JIA Award 2017 [Trus(s)tool Wall] | |
Rethink the Future Award 2017 最優秀賞 [Shi-An] | 1st Prize Rethink the Future Award 2017 [Shi-An] | |
WAN Small Spaces Award 入選 [Shi-An] | Distinction WAN Small Spaces Award [Shi-An] | |
三重県建築賞 入選 [LOVEST well] | Mention Mie Architecture Award [LOVEST well] | |
2016 | 京都デザイン賞 大賞 [Shi-An] | Grand Prize Kyoto Design Award [Shi-An] |
Taipei International Design Award 公共空間設計類優選 [Shi-An] | Distinction Taipei International Design Award [Shi-An] | |
DSA日本空間デザイン賞 入選 [LOVEST well] | Mention Japan Design Space Award [LOVEST well] | |
2015 | Arlfeld Community Center Competition (Germany) 2等 | 2nd Prize Arlfeld Community Center Competition (Germany) |
GARM Magazine 19 | Korea | 2022.03 | Shi-An | Paper Cloud |
Designer’s File 2022 | Japan | 2022.03 | KAD |
Architectural Record | US | 2020.06 | Venture Lab Silicon Valley |
Real, Virtual, Space Design | Japan | 2019.10 | KAD |
Japanese Style at Home | UK | 2019 | Roof Top Cabin |
WW Architecture | Spain | 2018.11 | Shi-An | Rooftop Cabin |
Interior Designer vol.65 | China | 2017.12 | Shi-An |
Wallpaper 2017 | UK | 2017.7 | Architects’ Directory 2017 |
Cloud Walkers | South Korea | 2022.9 – 2023.1 | @ LEEUM, Seoul |
Lucca Biennale Cartasia | Italy | 2022.8 – 9 | @ Villa Bottini, Lucca |
FAV Montpellier | France | 2017.6 | @ Hotel Mirman Montpellier |
Design with Character | Hong Kong | 2017.3.21 – 3.25 | @ Art Basel Hong Kong in Lanson Place Hotel |
Kyoto Design Award | Japan | 2016 | @ Kyoto Prefecture Office |
Japan Culture Expo 2016 | Japan | 2016.5.24 | @ Nijo-Jo Castle |
Japanese Junction 展 | Japan | 2014.12.19 – 2015.1.17 | @ Miele Omotesando |
Arch. City. Art | US | 2007.3.9 – 3.31 | @ Chicago Art District |
INDESEM ’23 | 2023.5.31 | @ TU Delft |
Tokyo Kenchiku Collection | 2021.3.5 | @ Daikanyama Hillside Plaza |
Arquitectura sin Fronteras | 2020.10.8 | @ Colegio de Arquitectos de Reynosa A.C |
IAUD Evening Lecture 2018 | 2018.11.16 | @ Meiji University |
Architecture meets Design | 2017.3.23 | @ Art Basel Hong Kong in Lanson Place Hotel |
Tracing Trajectories | 2015.1.14 | @ Shibaura House |